In addition to everything you learned from previous posts, there are questions you need to ask yourself when you're auditing an ad. These questions are adapted from Media Education Foundation and Center for Media Literacy.
1- What adjectives can you use to describe this ad?
2- What do the people in the ad look like?
3- What gender is represented?
4- What are their facial expressions?
5- What parts of the ad are highlighted and what parts are not? (camera angle and lightening)
6- What colors are used? brightness and contrast?
7- What does the text look like? How big is it? What kind of font? What are the colors used?
8- What does the text say?
9- What is the product? Do you find it appealing? Why?
10- What feelings are they trying to associate with the product?
11- What can you tell about the target audience from the ad?
12- What assumptions is the ad making about gender? Are the assumptions realistic? Do they inforce or challenge stereotypes?
13- What assumptions is the ad making about race? Are the assumptions realistic? Do they inforce or challenge stereotypes?
14- What assumptions is the ad making about class? Are the assumptions realistic? Do they inforce or challenge stereotypes?
15- How would different individuals respond to this ad?
16- What are the possible consequences?
17- Is this ad socially responsible? How or how not?
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