Friday, January 7, 2011

LESSON FIVE: The Truth about advertising....

What does advertising ultimately seek to achieve?


Yes! That's it. The true function of advertising is to persuade us that that product/service is the best, and we should pay money to have it!

Since saying that clear and out loud has become old and does not work on consumers today, advertisers are challenged everyday to create new means that will attract consumers.

Ads disguise themselves as:
Cultural Jams

What kind of messages or images ads try to convey?
A better life

If we look at envy in ads. This type of advertising takes an average person who is most likely dissatisfied with his/her life. Then comes the product that will change that person's life. That person is transformed into a more glamorous self. This will stir envy in consumers who are also dissatisfied with their lives, who then will try to emulate the transformation seen in the ad.

Fair and Lovely ad

This ad is trageted towards women (or men) who suffer from brown spots or skin discoloration. Envy is a major part of this ad. First, we see Lama (girl in the ad) graduating from college on her way to start a career. HOWEVER, she is faced with difficulties. As she says "The obstacle to obtaining my dream job was my skin." After using the product, Lama gets ahead in her career PLUS she gets the guy!!

Al Wataniya (telecommunication company) ad

This ad was one of my personal favorites the past Ramadan. It played on a number of messages/images. First was tradition, most Arab families get together regualarly with their extended families during Ramadan. The second image was of family. The song accompanying the ad was like narrative of a person talking about his different family members and what made them special. Those family members and images can be found in almost any family: the little neice who suddenly is all grown up, the aunt who is happy playing hostess, the cousin whose plate is always piled with food... The final message of the video os the message of belonging. Those 3 message/images overlap and come together to create a unique message aimed at the average Arab consumer. We might relate to the ad, but that doesn't mean there isn't chaos, problems, or misunderstandings when families get together. Ads idealize the family setting, and present them as an image of security and harmony. In the world of ads families have NO problems that cannot be solved by a product or service.

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