Saturday, January 8, 2011


Here are two ads of the same product (snickers bar), they are very similar except each was intended for a different audiences: 1- An American audience 2- An Arabic audience

Both ads share the message "You're not you when you're hungry"

Let's have a look at the ads first:

                                                    American version starring Betty White

Arabic version starring Raga Al Gedawi

Both ads employed a humorous appeal. Both ads had the same message but in different languages. Both ads are snickers ads. And in both ads we had acclaimed actresses from the older generation.

The only DIFFERENCE is the storyline. The question is WHY? Why are the storylines different when both ads share a number of things most importantly the message?

The answer is culture. An Arabic audience might not accept or find it funny that young men are pushing an older woman while playing football. It is culturally unacceptable. You can now understand why the storyline was adapted in the Arabic version of the ad.

Culture plays an important role in understanding the media, especially in advertising. When you're trying to sell something or get a message across it is very critical that your target audience understands your message easily, and is not offended by it.

Next time you see an ad, think WHO created this ad and for WHOM?


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